Friday, 29 May 2009

Flooding, Pipe & Memory

Here is a beautiful short animated that won an academy award dealing with the issues of living with flooding, rising sea level, memory & community...

Thursday, 28 May 2009


Found this image synthesising software produced by microsoft. Its free and very easy to use. I tried it with some of my site pics, works quite well, though I was hoping for a 360 view, it must be down to my pics. Check:

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Urban Camouflage

A funny project in the city, with great shots and scenes...


anping treehouse

Airship revisited

Image - [Strato Cruiser Concept design by Tino Schaedler and Michael J Brown] - taken from

“As energy costs rise and resources continue to deplete, seemingly defunct technologies tend to resurface. Airships are one such innovation, garnering more attention in recent years after decades of dormancy. Airships are ‘lighter than air’ structures that remain aloft with a lifting gas, such as helium. Propelled in a similar fashion to boats – using rudders and propellers, airships are presently used for advertising, tourism and aerial observation. New innovative research, however, is improving the speed and maneuverability of airships, making them a competitive means of transport in a fuel starved economy.“ Read more at

Image - [Manned Cloud, a flying hotel proposed by French designer Jean-Marie Massaud] - taken from

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Sensory Deprivation


Sensory Deprivation Map

Christian Nold
May 2007 - ongoing


“The Newham Sensory Deprivation Map is the result of an intensive workshop with 36 art students from Newham Sixth Form College. The students were put into pairs, one of whom was blindfolded and given ear defenders so that they could not see or hear. The other student was given a Global Positioning System as well as pen and paper. Together these two would explore the local area around the college for up to an hour. The idea being that the blindfolded and deafened student verbally relates their sensory experience to the other student who is taking notes and making sure they are safe during the journey. On their return the geographical data from their walk is downloaded from the GPS and all the sensory observations made during the walk are spatially recorded the map. This map is the combined annotations of all the students during the workshop and forms an alternative sensory map of Newham.“ according to the website at

Atelier van Lieshout

AVL-ville Rotterdam, Joep van Lieshout



page at


Modules from endemic project on Vimeo.

strangerINdanger from MaZzuk on Vimeo.

Monday, 25 May 2009

Tutorials Friday 2009-05-29


in the studio
09h30 - 10h00 Muna
                        - informal UD
10h00 - 10h40 Sunny
                         - urban morphology and society
10h40 - 11h20 Dai
                        - cycle and routine based UD
11h20 - 12h00 Zahra
                        - memory and identity - Afghanistan, Venice Carnival and Alice
12h00 - 12h40 Sura
                         - maintaining continuity - managing urban growth

14h00 - 14h40 Pritpal
                        - enabled city - on disability in UD
14h40 - 15h20 Paul
                        - parasitic/mobile UD
15h20 - 16h30 Stavi/Daria
                         - a UD tool set - London, Portsmouth and Manchester

Please bring along your feedback sheet to discuss the feedback. It is expected that you have made some first steps of progress on the points mentioned in the feedback as well as in your report.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Afghan Star

In Afghanistan you risk your life to sing. After 30 years of war and Taliban rule, pop culture has returned to the country—and since 2005, millions have been tuning in to Tolo TV’s wildly popular American Idol-style series Afghan Star. Two thousand people audition, including three extremely brave women. And when viewers vote for their favorites via cell phone, it is, for many, their first encounter with the democratic process. Winner of the Directing and Audience Awards in Sundance’s 2009 World Documentary competition, Havana Marking’s timely and moving film follows the dramatic stories of four young finalists—two men and two women—as they hazard everything to become the nation’s favorite performer. By observing the Afghani people’s relationship to its pop culture, Afghan Star is the perfect window into a country’s tenuous, ongoing struggle for modernity. What Americans consider frivolous entertainment is downright revolutionary—and more human—in this troubled part of the world.

A short representation of my research and concepts so far... im currently thinking of a different site location following the crit and developing further concepts for UD features that would enable people experiencing disabilities through their environment!

Friday, 15 May 2009

To create links

My proposal is to create links among dispersed islands (which represent different communities)for forming a new complete London.
These links are not only transport systems , but also special in-between areas.

nature takes over the heygate estate

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

The hills have Eyes

An art project by JR set in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.


found trough

Tutorials Friday 2009-05-15


in the studio
09h30 - 10h10 Pritpal - enabled city - on disability in UD
10h10 - 10h50 Paul - parasitic/mobile UD
10h50 - 11h30 Dai - cycle and routine based UD
11h30 - 12h10 Zahra - memory and identity - Afghanistan, Venice Carnival and Alice
12h10 - 12h50 Sura - maintaining continuity - managing urban growth

in Colin’s office
14h00 - 14h40 Muna - informal UD
14h40 - 15h20 Sunny - urban morphology and society
15h20 - 16h30 Stavi/Daria - a UD tool set - London, Portsmouth and Manchester

I included the titles and areas everyone is working at, so that you can contact each other if interests overlap. (let me know if I did not quote your research topic right : )
For this week you are asked to bring in a concept model of how you transfer the findings from your theoretical research into the project design. The model has to be physical and 3d, size not bigger than A4, in a material of your choice. and please upload the rest of the work to the blog, including last week’s if you haven’t done so.

Friday, 8 May 2009

How urban patterns reveal different social structures

The walking house

from geekalerts

some stuff about a mobile antarctica research base station Halley VI.
image from coolantarctica

Thursday, 7 May 2009